Saturday, 27 July 2013

Thing 31: Write a recipe for disaster

Originally posted to Facebook on July 18th, 2013.

"I keep changing my mind about what I want to write for this one. My first thought was an actual recipe, in the vein of CinemaSins (e.g., followed by a story about black magic altering a recipe (, based on a german children's story), followed by an original, dark children's story describing how a child is abused and grows up to do evil deeds himself.

Right now I'm hovering on "science gone wrong," which would focus on a mad scientist creating machines with great destructive power. Or possibly a Powerpuff Girls spinoff...

Focus is hard...

Okay, after much deliberation I have decided to stick with the children's story. It would be the first passage of that type which I'll have created, so in the interest of expanding my venues (variety is the spice of life, after all, and spice is very important in recipes), it seems like the best choice.

Let's do this. You'll have to use your imagination a bit, because it's not nearly as good without pictures. Line breaks indicate new pages."

Thing 31: Write a recipe for disaster

Meet Jimmy.

Like all little boys, Jimmy likes to play. His favourite game is soccer.

Jimmy is smiles a lot when he scores a goal!

In school, Jimmy doesn't raise his hand, even if he knows the answer. He prefers to listen.

At lunch time, Jimmy eats his lunch alone. He smiles when he receieves pudding.

Jimmy speaks with the other students on the bus ride home. Jimmy smiles that they are happy.

When Jimmy gets off the bus, his smile goes away. He doesn't need to lie any more.

In reality, Jimmy is very sad.

Jimmy is sad when his mommy cries. His mommy cries a lot.

Jimmy is sad when his sister cries. His sister cries a lot.

Jimmy likes his shirts very much. They hide the bruises he gets when daddy hits him.

One day, Jimmy decided that he didn't want to be sad any more. Instead, Jimmy became very angry.

When daddy hit mommy, Jimmy hit daddy.

Afterward, not even Jimmy's shirts could hide the bruises.

When daddy hit Jimmy's sister, Jimmy hit daddy.

Afterward, Jimmy could barely walk.

That night, Jimmy snuck into mommy and daddy's room with a knife.

Daddy would not be able to hit them any more.

For the first time ever, Jimmy was happy.

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