Saturday, 27 July 2013

Thing 29: Describe five memories -- events you know really well. Then take one of them further.

Originally posted to Facebook on July 15th, 2013. There's only a preamble to this one.

Thing 29: Describe five memories -- events you know really well. Then take one of them further.

"Geeze, that's a tough one...

It's actually particularly difficult for me because a lot of the memories that I can recall most vividly are most likely fabricated. I have a remarkably stark imagination, and as a weak-minded child I often imagined events and convinced myself they were quite real.

These days, rather than perceive imagined events as real, I embrace my dreams, and carefully craft them into sagas. I'm rather adept at giving my dreams direction, and so I cultivate them. This makes those memories quite precious, but it does distance my mind somewhat from reality. I have difficulty retaining specifics of happenings in my life, and instead I remember emotions.

In any case, I'm going to skip this one as well. I hope this isn't too much of a disappointment."

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